The Saudi Riyal (SAR) on Monday July 16, 2018 and the stability of the Saudi currency


The details of the news

The Saudi Riyal maintained its stability against the Egyptian pound during the negotiations on Monday, July 16, 2018 with various banks operating in Egypt, the average price on the Egyptian market being 4.75 pounds for the purchase and 4.78 pounds for sale

The Saudi currency, one of the most traded Arab currencies in Egypt, especially during the seasons of the Umrah and the Hajj, according to the latest data and updates from banks and banks operating in the Egyptian market.

  Saudi Arabian Riyal Exchange Rate Today 19659008 Saudi Riyal Exchange Rate Today, High Yield and High Yield Currency,

Riyal Exchange Rate Saudi for [Rial saoudien]

Exchange rate of the Saudi Riyal at the Central Bank of Egypt


The price of the Saudi Riyal at the Bank of Egypt

4.74 pounds at purchase

4.76 pounds for sale

Exchange Rates Today, exchange rates directly Exchange Rates Today, exchange rates directly Exchange Rates Today | Hui, exchange rate directly Exchange rate Today, exchange rate directly Exchange rate Today, exchange rate directly Exchange rate for Saudi Riyal – Saudi rial

Saudi rial at the Bank International Trade Union (ITC)

Saudi Arabian Rial at the Bank of Cairo

4.73 EGP for sale

4.78 EGP for sale

Exchange rate of the Saudi Riyal in Isk bank Dura

4.72 pounds to buy

4.77 pounds for sale

  The price of the saudi currency "src =" https: // (19659008) </p>
<p> Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates are continuing Yemeni aid. King Salman Center distributes 27 tons of relief supplies to Aden </p>
<p>  Continue At the forefront of donors is the King Salman Relief and Rescue Center and the Emirates Red Crescent Authority United Arab Emirates, where emergency relief is being sent to a number of Yemeni governorates, including Mahaf. From Hodeidah, as well as in other provinces. </p>
<p>  The Minister of Social Affairs and Labor, Vice-President of the Emergency Relief Committee in Yemen, Dr. Abtaj Kamal received the port of Aden, the United Arab Emirates ships loaded with relief provided by the Saudi Arabia and the UAE. </p>
<p>  The King Salman Relief and Humanitarian Relief Center distributed 27 tons of food aid to the Crater Directorate in the interim capital of Aden, benefiting 2,220 people. </p>
<p> We thank the visitors of the day for browsing our website. If you have any questions about this news, the Saudi Riyal exchange rate on Monday 16-7-2018 and the stability of the Saudi currency Leave a comment below<br />
Source: 7th day </p>
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