The smallest emirate climbs the tip of Kilimanjaro


04 07 2018

The record breaking on behalf of his two brothers Muawiya and Ali

Saif Saleh Al-Shunar, a student from the United Arab Emirates, has achieved a feat in the UAE after his success in the United States. ascent of Kilimanjaro, the highest peak of Africa. In the world itself, which reaches 5895 meters altitude, the smallest emirate realizes this achievement, surpassing his two brothers, Muawiya, already climbed to the top at the age of fifteen and six months, and Ali , who achieved the same success at the age of fifteen months. One.

Saif is in ninth grade at the Jumeirah Baccalaureate School in Dubai and has shown a growing interest in a variety of sports activities that require endurance such as tennis, football, basketball, riding, Saif said: "2018 is the year of Zayed, where I wanted to achieve this achievement in conjunction with the revival of the state for commemorating the founding father The United Arab Emirates always encourages us to break down borders and barriers and to be the best It is our duty to do our best to achieve great things for them and for our country. "[19659005] In the context of fraternal rivalry with his brothers, Saif wanted to undertake a journey to overcome his brother 's records, then persuade his father to experiment early in the summer because he was aware of the work. from an institution called "Littl e Wings ". The Al-Jalila Foundation is led by a renowned orthopedic surgeon who has been treating Saif in the past. So, Saif thought that he could also use this trip to highlight the problem of this institution, which is doing an amazing job with children in war-torn countries and regions around the world.

From this humanitarian impetus, Saif embarked on his journey: his father and he climbed thousands of meters a day for several hours a day, staying six nights in tents before d & # 39; Reaching the top of Ohoro Mountain on June 27, 2018. Commenting on the experience, Saif said: "It is amazing and exciting to face so many different environments of weather and animal diversity which must be encountered on the road, from a very pleasant climatic environment to the base of the mountain Low oxygen levels, without doubt those are those made in recent days very difficult and exhausting. 19659006] Announcements

Saif explained that the greatest achievement and joy he achieved was the raising of the flag of the United Arab Emirates at the top of Kilimanjaro. "It was an extraordinary experience that caused a lot of changes in my life and created a mix of emotions and emotions ranging from pain to exhaustion, to joy and to happiness, the ideas that go through my mind. Forever. "

" You learn to overcome pain by controlling your mind, and although I am much involved in the journey, it was essentially the ability to overcome mental challenges as much as the physical factor. "

advised the sword of others to make the trip but provided a physical and mental preparation.He continued to practice every day for months, including the month of Ramadan, which despite his fasting went to the gym every day.He also asked the opinion of his two brothers who had been tested before him to make sure he was ready for that.


© Press Release 2018

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