The spread of an intimate image of Megan Markle embarrasses the royal family


London – Lifestyle

Activists via social networking sites have restored an old portrait of the Duchess of Sussex, Meghan Markell.

The photo sparked controversy as she appeared in an intimate position with a former lover. The TMZ website, which published the photograph, said this could cause great embarrassment to the British royal family.

He also revealed that they were arrested on the sidelines of their dinner at the "Atlas" restaurant in Toronto. The site indicated that it was Canadian Chief Currie Vietilo, noting that the relationship between the years 2014 and 2016, after the separation of Megan and her former husband, Trevor Engelson, The Chief is now married and has a child.

Prince Harry and Megan Marshall are considering leaving the Royal Palace to stay in a renovated Frogmore Cottage house.

The tension between the two brothers, Harry and William, could be at the root of the decision, reported The Sun in a report: "Harry and Megan do not want to live alongside William and Kate and prefer to stay at home. Away from them. "

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Source: lifestyle

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