The Standing Bureau of the Board of Governors of the Central Banks will hold its meeting next Thursday


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Abu Dhabi – Home:
The Permanent Bureau of the Board of Governors of Central Banks and Monetary Institutions will hold its annual meeting on Thursday at the headquarters of the Arab Monetary Fund in Abu Dhabi. The meeting will be chaired by His Excellency Abdul Aziz Ould Dahi, Governor of the Central Bank of Mauritania, President of the present session of the Council, with the participation of His Excellency Mr. Mohamed Mansour Zemam, Governor of the Central Bank of Yemen and Vice-President of this session of the Council. Director General of the Arab Monetary Fund
The agenda of this year's meeting, in addition to the report of the Secretariat of the Council presented by His Excellency Dr. Abdulrahman bin Abdullah Al-Humaidi, A report on the work of the Arab Banking Supervisory Committee, a report on the work of the Regional Working Group on Strengthening Financial Inclusion in the Arab States and the Working Group on Financial Stability in Arab Countries, a report on the work of the Arab Credit Committee. For payment and settlement systems.
In addition to these issues, the agenda includes a number of important issues for the central banks and the Arab monetary institutions, including the monitoring of the implementation of the Arab offset project. The meeting will also consider proposed issues for inclusion in the 2018 Consolidated Arab Declaration at annual meetings of the IMF and the World Bank. The discussion will also focus on other important topics, such as the implications of EU regulations on the protection of data on the Arab financial sector, the application of successful techniques and the security of the economy. banking sector.
Dr. Abdulrahman bin Abdullah Al Humaidi, On the importance of the topics presented to the Board of Governors of Central Banks and Arab Monetary Institutions in the light of the evolution of the activities and work of the committees and Council working groups and topics, noting the role of the Board in JARB coordination and exchange and experiences among Arab countries, reiterated the Fund's concern to make every effort to assist the Council and its committees to carry out the tasks assigned to them. On this occasion, His Excellency expressed his thanks and gratitude to the State of the Fund's headquarters, the United Arab Emirates, for providing all the facilities which undoubtedly helped the Fund to accomplish its tasks. margin: 0px auto 30px; width: 468px; height: 60px;}


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