The stars of art leave their homes in California!


California's Malibu and Calabasas are attracting stars such as Barbara Streisand, Tom Hanks and Britney Spears in search of the ocean and away from the hype, but a wild forest fire in the area has driven many celebrities to leave their homes.

Reality star Kim Kardashian and pop star Lady Gaga were among the thousands who fled their home from the fire.

Kardashian left home Thursday and her husband Kanye West Thursday. She wrote on Twitter on Friday: "I knew the fire had reached our home … but it was better to contain it now and stop it."

On Friday, Malibu, a city of 12,000 inhabitants, 43.5 kilometers long and located on the Pacific coast of southern California and up to the Santa Monica Mountains, received mandatory instructions in full in the event of an accident. Welsh night fire.

Malibu's account on Twitter said that the fire was out of control.

Cher, who lives in Malibu since 1972, wrote on Twitter that the forest fire had approached her home but was not there.

"The houses of friends have been burned, I can not bear the idea that there will be no Malibu," she said.

Lady Gaga recorded a videotape of her account on Instagram, claiming that she had left her home in Malibu on Friday and showing images of a rising black smoke.

The filmmaker Guillermo del Toro said on Twitter that he had abandoned his home, Blake House, which houses a collection of horror and fantasy movies.

"Maybe Blake House and the band are in danger, but the grace of life is the rest," wrote Del Toro, director of the Oscar-winning film The Sheep of Water.

The Malibu area also includes dozens of film-making sites, including Western Town at Paramount Ranch where the sci-fi series "West World" was filmed, where Twitter authorities said the fire had destroyed the site.

"I took my kids, my dog, my computer, and my shoes to Doc Martins," said Elissa Milano, one of the most prominent activists in the My Me Two group against sexual harassment.

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