The story of a man who set up a $ 2 billion ice cream factory in his kitchen


  Ice cream

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Halo Top

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Ice cream "Halo Top" is popular in the US market but is not the only one of its kind. has not been criticized

The weekly "The Boss" of the BBC gives a glimpse of another business leader from around the world and highlights Justin Wolverton, founder and CEO of a brand in the ice cream industry, Halo Top. 19659007] Years ago, Wolferton struggled with US supermarkets to sell low-calorie ice cream in refrigerators in these stores.

Sales of its brand "Halo Top", low in fat and sugar, Continuation of the stop letters of assistance

Wolferton, 38, who started the starch Said his company in 2012: "We are all dealing with capacity." We told them (leave us and things will change). "

Wolferton could not have predicted the magnitude of the big change that would take place." After six years of activity, his brand has become the best-selling brand in the United States

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The Los Angeles-based company spends little effort on product marketing and promotion.

A magazine journalist 2016 wrote a small article in GQ magazine to continue to personally eat halo ice for only 10 consecutive days, and history became popular and Halo Top sales increased

19659003] Halo Top

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Wolferton launched his project at the age of 32

In 2016, the company sold 28.8 million parcels worth $ 132.4 million, more than giant brand revenues like Ben &

The lack of Foreign investors is not a problem for a small independent entity Family and friends of Wolferton and partner in the foundation of Doug Bouton

Despite the success of the brand up to now, some critics raise Questions about the credits "Innocent" ice cream, while others wonder if ice cream should be allowed

Before the founding of Halo Top, he was working in Los Angeles as a "business". business lawyer, a job that has lost its luster.

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The idea of ​​ice cream because of restrictions on his diet to control blood sugar levels.

In his house instead of a sweet situation, he had a bowl of Greek yogurt mixed with fruit for desalination


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The "P & G" brand began competing to produce its own low calorie products

After buying a $ 20 ice cream machine, mix everything to see what it looks like.

Wolferton began experimenting with other food ingredients, using yogurt rather than yogurt, to make the mixture like ice cream when it is frozen, and the ability to produce it in large quantities.

He said, "It took a year of total failure early."

He was able to start his project with his friend Doug Bouton, who also worked as a lawyer abroad, borrowing money from family and friends. Wolferton said that the absence of a private investor gave him an area of ​​£ 150,000.

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To promote the brand on social media at the beginning of the project, Wolferton proposed a new idea, using local university students to send Halo coupons Top to people with a lot. "It was a great marketing strategy, and we thought that if they could buy the product, that would be great, and if they did not, we'd be behind them," he said. -he declares. [196900014] 19659003] Oppo

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The British product "Obo" is a competitive product Calorie disorder

Alex Beckett, deputy director of food and beverage global research group Mintel, said the continued use of social media was a key element of success.

"This has strengthened its position as a bold and preferred substitute for brands The big commercial ice cream maker that spends big budgets on advertising."

The GQ article contributed to success

Wolferton said: "It was an interesting article and helped promote the brand."

Halo Top sales saw an increase in sales in a way that pushed the brand to the top. company to make efforts to respond to requests.

  • "Supermarkets do not know how to handle too many orders, and customers buy for the first time three, four or five packages at a time," he said, adding that "the first ice cream is suitable to the way of life ". Daily. "

    But Should People Eat the Halo Everyday?"

    The ice cream product contains two sweeteners, arithritol and stevia, instead of a lot of sugar. They are widely used in the food industry and allowed by their food organizations, they are suspected of causing side effects such as irritable bowel syndrome.

    Source of the Image
    Halo Top [19659004] Image caption [19659005] Wolferton seeks to promote his product on a world-wide scale

    Other critics say competing "halo top" and low calorie products can already contribute to weight gain. A question arises as to whether Halo Top may be allowed to ice cream because it contains a small amount of whole milk.

    Wolferton says the brand's success is "a recognition of consumer intelligence that has become larger

    The Halo Top product has freed many other low-calorie brands

    • Scientists are discovering ice cream longer in hot weather

    Wolferton has also received numerous acquisitions, including a $ 2 billion offer from Unilever.It rejected all offers and is currently focused on global proliferation. 19659007] The company was able to open a branch in Britain last year and export to countries such as Australia and Singapore.

    Wolferton confidently states that five years from now Halo Top will be one of the biggest ice cream brands in the world.

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