The UAE welcomes the Human Rights Council's interest in implementing the objectives of the 2030 Agenda


<img src = "" alt = "Mohammed Al Shamsi Second Secretary of the UAE Mission in Geneva

The UAE has welcomed the attention of the Human Rights Council and its mechanisms on the UN 2030 Agenda, including the Universal Periodic Review, Special Procedures and treaty bodies Emphasize that technical assistance remains the best way to assist economically weak states to implement the sustainable development goals set out in the reports and the recommendations of the various mechanisms of the Human Rights Council

Mohammed Saleh Al Shamsi, second secretary of the UAE Mission in Geneva, in the context of the debate on strengthening technical cooperation and strengthening activities capabilities in the field of human rights po to contribute to the implementation of the 2030 Sustainable Development Plan Effectively and globally.

Al Shamsi stresses that the United Nations 2030 Declaration devotes much of its objectives to the realization of human rights, as these rights and development goals are inseparable goals that balance the three dimensions of development. sustainable development: the economic dimension, the social dimension and the environmental dimension. Oriented in nature to meet the needs of people in developing and developed countries.

In accordance with the United Nations 2030 Declaration, Al Shamsi stated that the UAE established the National Sustainable Development Goals Commission in 2017 to ensure follow-up of all development needs, implementation and monitoring of policies. 2030. The UAE is one of 47 countries that have volunteered for consideration by the High-Level Political Forum to monitor and review the 2030 Sustainable Development Plan, which will be welcomed by the United States. United Nations from 9 to 18 July.

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