The Unknown Soldier, AuthenTec Company Behind the Fingerprint with iPhone Phones


  The Unknown Soldier .. AuthenTec The Company Behind the Fingerprints on the iPhone Phones
The Unknown Soldier .. AuthenTec The Company Behind the Fingerprint with the iPhone Phones

When Apple Introduces the iPhone ] 5S In 2013, of the kind that comes with the fingerprint feature, which allows the user to open the phone with his finger, in a way that prevents anyone to open and open the phone and tamper with the contents of the user. ] And in 2015, Apple introduced the second generation of the most advanced Touch ID .

But many do not know that Apple has not developed this technology by itself, but another company has activated it: in 2012, Apple acquired AuthenTec a company specializing in fingerprint readers. And identity management, against 356 million dollars.

The acquisition led to the reading of fingerprints, and a year later [iPhone 5S] was unveiled.

Apple says that fingerprint information is stored locally in the hardware chip, not in the cloud, an option designed to make access to fingerprint information very difficult.

Source: 7th day

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