The weather is hot and dusty sometimes during the day and some clouds appear to the east


The National Meteorological Center (NMC) predicts that the country will now be dominated by hot, dusty weather at certain times of the day, with some clouds sometimes seeming heavy and moderate winds sometimes dusty in some areas of the country. ; inside.

Relative humidity increases during the night and early morning on some coastal areas .. The sea is average to the turbulent wave in the Persian Gulf and mild to moderate in the Oman Sea.

and northwest wind / 15-30 km / h up to 40 km / h sometimes during the day .. The Arabian Gulf is moderate to turbulent wave, and the first tide occurs at 10:50 and the second at 22:14, and the first islands at 15:06 and the second islands at 05:38, and the sea of ​​Oman is light to medium, and the first tide occurs at 07:45 and the second at 18:25, and the first islands at 13:08 and the second car at 01:00

News (UAE News: Tomorrow is hot and dusty weather sometimes day and some clouds appear in the east) {Jsid = jsid = & # 39; {jsid = & # 39; jsid = & # 39; {id; js.async = true; js.src = ""; d.getElementsByTagName (& # 39; head & # 39;) [0] .appendChild (js);} (document)); [ad_2]
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