The wife of Polanski refuses to invite Oscar Academy to join his membership


  The wife of Polanski refuses to invite Oscar Academy to become a member
Polanski's wife rejects the invitation to become a member of the Academy Academy

L & # 39; Polanski's wife refuses to invite Oscar Academy to join his membership. The news has been transmitted by the editorial team of our website in a transparent manner, without any modification to divert the attention of the Arab citizen from the knowledge of the truth or an amendment to transform the attitudes of the Arab citizen in specific policies. Experience "The wife of Polanski refuses to invite Oscar Academy to join its members".

The Arab News site tells us "Sunday, July 8, 2018 19:15", Sunday rejected the French actress Emmanuel Siné. The Academy of Arts and Sciences of the Cinema in a column attacked the group "hypocrisy" that ousted her husband, the director Roman Polanski, two months ago. Siena is one of the 928 artists and executives who were invited last month by the Academy of Arts and Film Science to become members. The Academy is known for its Oscars
The Academy kidnapped Polanski in May for violating a code of conduct that she had put in place following hundreds of harassment charges sexual or abuse in the entertainment industry
"How can I ignore the fact that a few weeks ago the Academy kidnapped my husband Roman Polanski to try to follow tune of time … the same academy that gave him Oscar in 2002 for the movie The Pianist … a strange case of amnesia. "
"Maybe the academy thinks I'm an actress And I'm climbing socially to forget that I've been married for 29 years by one of the greatest directors in the world." [89] The Polanski, 84, was best known for his 2003 film "The Pianist" and in 1977 he confessed to having an unlawful sexual relationship with a 13-year-old girl in Los Angeles.
Polanski and television star Bill Cosby were the first two well-known members to be expelled from the Academy of Cinema Arts and Sciences for violating the Academy's new code of conduct. And every success thanks and appreciation, thank you very much for your dear visitors and dear Ali Mtab For this reason, the wife of Polanski refuses to invite Oscar Academy to join his membership, and do not confuse your comments in the comments mentioned above, because your opinions always concern us first and last, and do not forget to follow us on our social networking pages. Facebook, Twitter and Google Plus, and follow them to inform you of the latest political, economic, technical, sports, technical, health and beauty news and the world of Eve and news and entertainment to join you immediately after the first incident, Polanski's wife refuses to call Acadi

Arab News – Polanski's wife refuses to invite Oscar Academy to join her – Polanski's wife refuses to invite Oscar Academy to Join Membership

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