Third contract .. Liverpool announces the signature of Sheridan Shakiri


The Liverpool club signed a contract with Swiss international midfielder Sheridan Shakiri of Stoke City.

Shakiri decided to cut off his summer vacation and travel to Merseyside to undergo the Friday medical exam, which the player has successfully passed.

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According to the British press, Liverpool has won Shakiri's signature for the next five years for 13 million pounds, the value of breach of contract.

Shakiri had revealed his desire to leave Stoke City after the fall of the Premier League club.

The 26-year-old Swiss will carry the number 23 Ridds next season.

He has already played for Basel, Bayern Munich and Inter Milan.

The arrival of Shakiri is the third contract of the German coach Jürgen Klub this summer after Nabi Keita of Leipzig and Fabino of Monaco.

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