This way .. Debala get rid of the fate of the World Cup and the approach of Cristiano Ronaldo of Juventus (photo)


Juventus striker Paulo Debala showed a lot of courage when he painted his silver hair when he finished his job at the World Cup, while he could end up at the # 39, Juventus away because of Cristiano Ronaldo. The world sank 4-0 against France on Saturday, when Debala returns to his country and begins his pre-season leave, his return to Turin not being expected several weeks ago.

The Daily Mail reports that the 24-year-old decision was a surprise where some fans called him "Ice Man" After painting his silver hair, as Lionel Messi had done in the past [19659003] Deporta's Brazilian colleague Douglas Costa, currently in Russia for Debala, commented on his story to Ingestram: "Oh, well … three weeks and you pay me (19659002)

But the comments of colleagues from Debala and mass fans are not ironic because he received a tribute from his former colleague Patrice Evra, who suggested that he dye his hair the same color. "

Cristiano Ronaldo approached the best Real Madrid scorer by signing for Juventus, although some believe that he is pushing Juventus to improve his contract at the Royal Club, but this time, he really seems to want to leave.

"Juventus has many options Offensives under the influence of Gonzalo Hig uain, Mario Madzukic, DiBala, Douglas Costa and Juan Quadrad. "

Italian journalist Tancredi Palmeri said on Twitter" Cristiano Ronaldo at Juventus: the club will sell Debala and Higuain to buy Ronaldo. "typeof fbq === & # 39; undefined & # 39;) {
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