Thomson Reuters Financial Reporting Unit Shifts to "Revenitiv" | News from the company


Thomson Reuters announced that its financial and risk reporting unit would become its new name, Reventive, after the completion of the direct investment agreement Thomson Reuters and Blackstone.

Thomson Reuters said the partnership is expected to be completed in the second half (Thomson Reuters) for financial reporting and risk by the end of this year.

Thomson Reuters is a provider of financial and risk intelligence to the world's largest financial data providers for financial markets around the world. In the future, it will operate as an open technology platform to improve communication between the global financial communities and serve the investment banking, wealth management, financial law, securities and investment industries. risk management and financial crime. "The launch of the new name reflects the company's long history and its role in driving innovation in the financial markets," said David Craig, current president of Thomson Reuters Financial Information and Risk & Chief from the direction. "The new company will focus on the development of the" Akon platform and the electron. "

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