"Three Helicopters" .. Discover the most important Aston Martin seats


Aston Martin is looking to develop a unique three-seat plane at 5 million pounds.

The vehicle sits on three helicopters to take off and land vertically, which means that the passengers will not need spacious spaces

The aircraft was made of carbon fiber and should be unveiled Monday at the Farnborough Fair in Britain, according to the Daily Mail.

The plane takes shape near the Flying Bowl with a spacious glass facade, The speed of the vehicle is 200 miles per hour.

The production of the aircraft is expected More than five years as part of a partnership between Aston Martin, Rolls-Royce and CAES Aircraft Design, as well as government support.

But the bad news for those who are looking forward to this plane is that it is not equipped with an emergency seat In other words, in case of an accident, its occupants do not have will not be able to safely climb their umbrellas on the ground.

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