Timothy Allen reveals the secrets of his work: the respect of the photographer's privacy is another important criterion


"After more than 25 years of photography, I have reached a stage where it is necessary to convey that experience and all that I have learned in recent years to the next generation of talented photographers." With these words, the famous British photographer Timothy Allen began his presentation on the motivation of the launch of the Timothy Allen Photography Prize in 2016, commending the efforts of the Sharjah Government Media Office, who collaborated with him to form one of the features of the International Photography Festival organized by the Bureau. Photographers are in the running to gain a 10-day residency experience in Sharjah including educational workshops in various photography arts.

This year, the International Photography Festival will be held from November 21 to 24 in Sharjah to open the door to the third Timothy Allen Photography Award, which has had a strong showing after attracting more than 1,529 entries, 10 finalists and more. the five winners were announced: Sharafat Ali (India), Stephen Fuden (Canada), Linus Escador (Philippines), Ranita Roy (India) and Dan Gianopoulos (UK) on October 11 during a live program on social networking site of the festival.

"The edition of this year was a high-level and strong competition among the 10 candidates," said Timothy Allen. "The five winners will receive the residency program and will have the opportunity to spend 10 days shooting, which includes a workshop on an outdoor site, allowing us to work together. Close and communicate directly, and that's what I liked about this program, which I consider to be a very fun and useful experience, and a source of inspiration for all of us. "

The laureates will be assigned a number of assignments, their work packages will be evaluated, a trainer will be assigned to each of them, they will participate in a training course in field photography and they will have the opportunity to attend. opportunity to present their work and stories directly to the public in the main hall of the International Festival of Photography. "Expuger".

"With this award, ExpoR is a leading international platform to develop and enhance the talents of photography, giving them the opportunity to build self-confidence and create new inspiration for their creations." Photographers often publish their work online and receive the views of their friends and family, however, these events bring together experts and professionals in a place that enriches their experience and allows them to identify their weaknesses. learn from their mistakes and improve their profession and talents.

"Some people see photography as a profession in their own right and often the photographer does not have a fair and honest opinion of his work, so the grant program gives participants a frank picture of their images, and my role is to criticize honestly their work, build their self-confidence. "


"One of the worst things that happens when a young photographer complains is bad, and I get a lot of e-mails from photographers who want to work for me," says Allen. "Sixty percent of them start by saying," I think working with you will be a valuable opportunity. To enrich my professional career "It's not an appropriate way to get into a job, but those who want to work must show what they have to offer to the other, not the gains and benefits they can get work done with others. "

"There is nothing special about making a person a good photographer A successful photographer develops in different ways and focuses on his strengths, he must have a sufficient knowledge of the concept of the artist. 39, lighting and its techniques.More importantly, it must have a good story expressed in the image, The originality of the photo and its uniqueness are important criteria for the finalists and the selection of winners.

Engagement of the photographer

Allen is known for his committed art and shows it in all his works: he ensures that the people he represents are satisfied with what he does and feels compelled to inform them about the results their participation.

"I work in many places where people do not understand enough media and a photo of them can be a shocking experience for them, especially since millions of people will see this picture." Some people do not like to be seen by millions of people. It is important that everyone on my photo is approved. My work is based on the feeling of pride of my achievements and on the pursuit of happiness and inspiration, I am only in the place where I am sought after. "

One of the most inspiring places visited by Alan is the Zanskar in Kashmir, where he saw a group of children walk for five days on the frozen Chazar River to reach their boarding school. "It's the kind of inspiration I'm looking for – the students were walking with one of their parents, sleeping in the caves, they were great people and they had a keen sense of responsibility," Allen said. "It was an ideal opportunity to capture rare and beautiful images, but most of all, Me".

"I'm looking for images that make me watch them twice, images that I've never seen before, many people take pictures of the same old things, they are beautiful, but they are not the most unique" Allen concluded.

Mars excellence

Timothy Allen worked as a photographer for several newspapers and magazines, including the Sunday Telegraph in London and the Independent newspaper for six years.

In 2002, Allen joined Axiom Photographic Agency, where he was responsible for covering a wide variety of global news. In 2009, he was commissioned by the BBC to work on the famous documentary series "The Planet of Man".

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