Tips and tricks make you a Google search professional


Google processes billions of searches a day, but how many searches help people find what they're looking for? It's impossible to know perfectly, but there are many tools and tips to reduce these millions of search results to something more manageable. Here are some basic tips to use when using Google and some basic shortcuts to get basic



Queries are automatically converted to the "All" category "in Google search and usually require millions of results, even billions of results. Quickly delete two numbers by switching to a specific content type, such as News, videos, maps, photos, shopping, books, flights, finances, and personnel. You can also click the tools to open a second set of filters based on the type Content: For example, image search tools include filtering options. 19659004] Advanced Search

Desktop users looking to refine search results can use more than the advanced search feature in the Settings tab. The advanced search has two sections. The words of the sea W, like the exact word, exclude words and number of domains, without having to write shortcuts, and the second section proposes filters based on broader criteria.

For site searches, you can filter Search quality, readability, file type, and usage rights are used to filter images by size, image size, color, type , location, range, file type and usage rights. ] Advanced Tools and Abbreviations

Y Advanced search is excellent for desktop users, but it's a rather cumbersome system that does not include all the available search options, nor does it work on your smartphone unless you're on a desktop screen Fortunately, Google offers a set of shortcuts

Search Shortcuts

Exact match

You can search for a specific word or phrase by using quotation marks for the results containing the words in quotation marks in the sequence.

Exclude words

Mark "-" before a word to delete

Generic character

Use the symbol "*" if you are searching for a given result but you do not remember one or more keywords, especially if you are trying to find a movie title, book, or song, (19659004) Combined Search

Use or to merge search terms into a single search.

Find synonyms

Type the ~ symbol before the keyword, including the synonyms for the selected word.

Number Range

Topics related to what you are reading now:

Put ".." between the values ​​

URL, basic text or address

If you have a good idea of ​​the place of a search term, you can refine the result for the words of the URL with "inurl:" or in the URL of the site using "intitle:" or the text of the page with " intext: ".

File Type

After a PDF, DOC, MP3, or APK file, use file: to specify the results in an exact file type.

Search by site

Did you know that you can bypass the search box of a website by simply using Google? If you are looking for a specific result, for example, this site, use the site name to specify search results for pages, Portal: Android you can also learn more about the site by adding info: (19659034) Instant Answers and Boxes

Google search is a smart cookie, so often it answers your questions without having to click on a single website link.

You may have already seen different boxes at the top of the results when searching, there are countless useful boxes and others are for fun, look for "sounds of d & rsquo; "Animals" and you will see what I mean.

Whatever the case, Google search professionals should really care, these interactive boxes can be called on specific terms, and these tools can be useful You need to open a different application because Google will do the work for you, and here are some of the best benefits we found for this somewhat opaque category:


Search for "Calculator" and you will get results


Type "definition "follow a word or an expression to define the dictionary, instead, type" parent word "


Use the query structure" Unit 1 to Unit 2 "to display the conversion calculator, can also be used to convert currency, time, distance, speed, weight, temperature and much more.

Type "Timer then number of minutes" to set the timer, and if you prefer the timer, type "Stopwatch" instead.

Maps, Transport and Google Flight

Use the query structure "Location 1 to Site 2" For a box of Google Maps that displays the options for car, bus, train, foot, bike, and if the N location in different countries, you will also see Google flight information.

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