Traffic accidents fall to 34% in Sharjah – UAE


Sharjah traffic and traffic director, Mohammed Alai Al Naqbi, revealed that the road accident index had decreased by 34% in the first half of this year compared to the same period the year before. 39, last year.

Lt. Col. Mohammed Alai Al Naqbi said: "One of the most important causes of accidents in 2017 is the sudden deviation of 66 accidents, while 34 accidents occurred in the first half of 2018, with a marked relative decrease, with Enkh "This was at a press conference organized by the Department of Traffic and Patrols in cooperation with the Department of Public Information and Public Relations Sharjah police under the slogan "We are all partners in road safety". Lieutenant-Colonel Naqbi said that the commitment to implement the federal traffic law has played a major role in achieving positive indicators to reduce the number of accidental deaths in the emirate , noting that Sharjah's police vision, (19659003) He adds: "During the first half of this year 2018, the Traffic Directorate has conducted 7 awareness campaigns for all types of road accidents. In cooperation with 32 foreign parties, 144,766 people benefited. "The ministry also organized 168 events and 11 traffic control campaigns to control road safety and maintain the safety of road users."

Al -Naqbi noted that the rescue department At 154 land accidents, 21 marine accidents, and treated According to a better circulation system, referring to the development of saving the ground point in the center Sahara to support the initiative to "cross safely" to reduce the number of road accidents to more, which has reached decline to about 30% on the roads, which has seen many unfortunate accidents.

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