UAE Ambassador meets with Romanian Minister of Emergency


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Raed Arafat, Romanian Minister for Emergency Affairs, met the Romanian Minister of Emergency Affairs.
During the meeting, they discussed ways to strengthen bilateral relations and cooperation in the fields (19459003) [WAM]

Thank you for your visit to see the subject of the UAE News – L & 39 Ambassador of State meets the Romanian Minister of Emergencies and we hope to contribute to the development of economic relations and investments in relation to the current needs in the humanitarian field. Oveena in the service of Wen D. To clarify that the news of "Emirates News – State Ambassador meets the Minister of Emergency Roman" We have no minimum responsibility and you can read the news of its original location of the Gulf site and you can follow the latest news and news on our site. Link "" or by writing "Horizon News" in Google and will be sent back to our site immediately, God willing.