UAE confirms treatment of British defendants in line with international standards




The director of the Foreign Affairs Department of the United Arab Emirates Ministry of Foreign Affairs confirmed that the treatment of British citizen Matthew Hedges was fully in line with obligations under United Arab Emirates law and international standards..

The UAE news agency said that Mohamed Obeid al-Zaabi had conducted research and assessed the general situation of the Hedges, the results of which were as follows::

That since the arrest of Hedges, continued medical and psychological care was provided and that after his first arrest and before the trial, members of the Hedges family and embassy staff were allowed to contact him several times, in accordance with the laws and regulations of the United Arab Emirates..

With the closure of the investigation and the start of the trial, according to UAE law, the conditions of custody of Hidges were reduced because he had many facilities to contact his family, the staff of the Embassy and Consulate as well as his legal counsel by phone..

Hedges' lawyer and his relatives continued to access it, according to the protocols of the trial process, and the audit also showed that since the beginning of the trial, Hedges had been placed in a less secure detention center..

It should be noted that the right to a fair trial is guaranteed by Article 94 of the Constitution of the United Arab Emirates, which also provides for the presumption of innocence of the accused until proven the opposite in the context of a fair and lawful trial. Articles 1 to 8 of Law No. 3 of May 26, 1993 guarantee the independence of judges.

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