UAE forces free 19 detainees in Aden and protest vigil in front of Home Minister's home


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The Mujahideen forces released 19 detainees in Aden and a demonstration outside the house of the Minister of the Interior on Wednesday, July 4, 2018.

Post Aden – Special

Wednesday, July 4, 2018 11:27

On Wednesday morning, security forces in the UAE released 19 detainees in the new Bir Ahmed prison, a few months after the release of the prosecution.

A group of mothers was forcibly hid in jails and secret detention centers belonging to the United Arab Emirates security forces in Aden's interim capital on Wednesday morning in front of the Deputy Prime Minister's home. Minister and Minister of the Interior Ahmed Al-Meissari.
Mothers asked the minister to intervene to reveal the fate of their families who were forcibly hiding in the seatbelt prisons and in the Aden security administration who are supposed to report to the Ministry of the Interior.
The mediators called for the release and release of those who had been ordered to be released, but who were still detained in the recently guarded and well guarded Bir Ahmed Prison, as well as those who had been detained. who had been in hiding and who did not know their place of detention yet.
The family of Imam Mu'ad bin Jabal in the Sila district in Sheikh Osman, Mohammed Abdo Salam was present at the stop and told the Post Post that the fate of Salam is still unknown after the administration of Bir Ahmad Prison transferred it to the United Arab Emirates, without paying attention to the directions of the Public Ministry to release him.

"He was hiding since the dawn of July 26, 2016, in the security forces, where he knew his fate in October 2017. He was in the new prison of Bir Ahmed and was allowed to him To be hidden again, he was taken by Emirati soldiers from Bir Ahmad prison to an unknown location believed to be the camp of the Arab Coalition led by the United Arab Emirates.

Bilal Mohammed al-Maqtari was photographed

His mother says in an affidavit to "the site Po" The fate of Bilal is still unknown since the house was looted and taken at the dawn of March 6, despite all follow-up and search by the security services but in vain

From Lahj Province Provided Inmate Faker's Mother Abdul Wahid,

His Mother Says in an Post Post Interview She received a call this month and that she was informed that her son is d held at Al Rayan Airport in Makkah, which follows the United Arab Emirates.

She added that she did not have the value of transportation to Aden except for the porridge how to go to Mukalla,

The mothers of the infiltration and arbitrarily detained constantly protest for demand the release of their relatives detained in the secret prisons of the security forces, who are also subject to the UAE. 19659005] We thank you as well as visitors from the trust and presence sector, and we promise you to provide any new and important information from reliable sources, has been transferred (the proletarian forces to the UAE released 19 detainees to Aden and a watch in front of the home of the Minister of the Interior). B News.
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