UAE is looking for investment partnership opportunities with China – Egypt now


UAE seeks investment partnership opportunities with China The UAE Ministry of Economy discussed investment opportunities with two major trade delegations of the People's Republic of China.
Abdullah bin Ahmed Al Saleh, undersecretary at the Ministry of the Economy of Foreign Trade, said Saturday that trade relations and investment between the UAE and China were developing rapidly, in light of the overall strategic partnership between the two countries.
Saleh pointed out that China was the UAE's largest trading partner in 2017, with a total business turnover of about $ 53.3 billion and a growth rate of 15% over 2016.
The United Arab Emirates accounted for 30% of China's total exports to Arab countries and 22% of total trade between Arab countries and China in 2017.
During the meeting, Mr. Saleh held two separate meetings at the Ministry of Economy in Dubai with two trade delegations from the Republic of China, examining with them the incentives and benefits of the economic and financial environment. in the UAE, highlighting priority sectors and promising prospects, while exploring ways to increase opportunities for cooperation and partnership. Profit on both sides.
The first meeting was held with a delegation of ACFIC, which includes hundreds of major companies from all over China, including manufacturing, automotive, pharmaceutical, steel, mining, electrical and electronic equipment and foreign trade .
At the second meeting, Mr. Saleh discussed opportunities for partnership and business cooperation with a delegation of the China Chamber of International Trade of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT).

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