UAE launches an extensive campaign to correct the situation of offenders


The Federal Authority for Identity and Nationality (IFAD) has launched an appeal to embassies and accredited diplomatic missions in the country for them to cooperate with them in the implementation of An initiative for foreign residents, 19659003] The "Protect Yourself by Changing Your Status" initiative, which runs until the end of October, aims to change the status of offenders to the right to privacy. entry and residence of aliens by exempting them from fines and the legal consequences of the violation.

Brigadier Saeed Al-Rashedi, Director General of Foreigners and Executives of the Federal Authority for Identity and Nationality, called on the embassies concerned to communicate with the nationals of their country and to ensure that those who violate them have the right to do so.

Al-Rashidi confirmed that those who have a temporary residence "6 months" are not allowed to work unless they have a legal opportunity to work and transfer their residence to the new sponsor, while Sik Those who do not find work should leave the country before the end of the period so as not to lose the privileges that are granted to them to avoid the legal consequences of the offense and then return to the state s. they wish it legally and under a new visa.

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