UAE leads tolerance, coexistence and world-wide system of good


  Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan

The United Arab Emirates has established itself as a leading nation in the promotion of human values, the spirit of giving and peaceful coexistence among peoples and have become the driving force cooperation efforts. International institutions specializing in figures and statistics have confirmed that the UAE's interest in the adoption and dissemination of human values ​​globally comes primarily because they are important titles in the concept of philanthropy and values ​​of tolerance built by the federal state since its inception. General 1971.

According to digital documents documented by the Development Assistance Committee of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), the UAE has maintained its position in the list of the largest donors International Development Assistance (ODA) of 1.31% The overall UN goal of 0.7% is a global benchmark for donor efforts in the area of ​​giving.

The preservation of this distinguished position by the UAE is further testimony to the good approach of the state in providing assistance and assistance to all. To countries and peoples in need in all parts of the world, regardless of religion, color, race or nationality, to blend with the values ​​of tolerance and peaceful coexistence, the principles on which the UAE has been founded since the founding of the late Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan. The participation of the United Arab Emirates in the meetings of the Council of Religions for the Promotion of Religious Freedom in Washington last week underlined the vitality of the UAE's message and its firm stance on promoting peaceful coexistence and spreading the principles of tolerance in the United States. the world.

The system of benevolence, under which the Council of Muslim Sages operates and the concepts of tolerance and coexistence between different cultures and religions are its main components, inspire ideas and guidance of Sheikh Zayed and are inspired by the wise leadership of Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan. The United Arab Emirates and the United Arab Emirates, with the aim of elevating Sorouh to those human values ​​that underlie the UAE's message in the areas of global development and its humanitarian orientations at the regional and global levels [19659006]. And the international community, Ambassador of the United Arab Emirates in the fields of good, tolerance, gift and peaceful coexistence among peoples, these are the foundations of his movements and the service of humanity as a constant companion of human love in the world. The established rule of the system of good It is not surprising that tolerance has a special ministry and award, as well as the establishment of an international institute in the UAE to provide political advice and expertise necessary to promote this high human value among peoples and nations. Generations to eliminate the sources of fanaticism, isolation and sectarianism that are now the main elements of the majority of the world's problems.

The main conclusion of the message that the UAE has made is that there is nothing better than tolerance, peaceful coexistence, Within the well-being system, a message translated by the State on the ground by awarding the years 2017 and followed by the year 2018, following the founding leader and commemorating his memory that has dedicated his life and values ​​to the global humanitarian system. To honor good and peace and peace.

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