UAE News "Farmers Services" launches the 2018 Harvest Award for Internal Excellence


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Farmers' Service launches the Harvest for Internal Excellence Award of 2018 on the Federation's website on Wednesday, July 25, 2018.

Abu Dhabi (Federation)

The Farmers Service Center of Abu Dhabi has launched the "Harvest" Award for internal excellence 2018, The award includes two new categories, in addition to all award categories awarded by the Government of Abu Dhabi: the award for best guidance center agricultural and the best center of packing and packing. In order to encourage the staff of the centers Mr. Hussain Al-Qubaisi, Director of Strategic Planning and Corporate Development, said: "Hassad has been one of the most important initiatives launched by the Center for prepare and qualify employees for the Abu Dhabi Award for Excellence in Government Performance. To build qualified institutions based on efficiency, creativity and excellence, he pointed out that thanks to the Hassad Award, the Farmers' Service Center seeks to develop the spirit of entrepreneurship. excellence and motivate employees and departments to document their achievements and creations.

He pointed out that Hassad has two main categories: the main prize, which includes 12 prizes for the departments, while the second category includes 11 prizes for individuals, the results of which will be announced by the end of the year. l & # 39; year.

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