UAE presents executive plan for sustainable development


The Federal Statistical and Competitiveness Committee presented the results of the UAE's participation in the annual forum of the Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) in Stockholm, Sweden, at the second meeting of the members of the National Committee for Sustainable Development in 2018 One of the most important points discussed at the committee meeting was the participation of the TRA team at the annual Stockholm Forum, where the Board of Directors of the network praised the institutional structures and the governance systems established by the UAE, National development priorities in the country, as well as the good governance mechanisms that govern the process of supporting these efforts, and consider them as best practices that help to empower economies in transition . The Council also commended the efforts of the UAE to facilitate global dialogue on the goals of sustainable development.
Abdullah Nasser Lootah, Director General of the Federal Competitiveness and Statistics Commission and Vice Chairman of the National Committee for Sustainable Development. All areas, particularly to achieve the goals of sustainable development in international fora, are a source of pride and motivation to make UAE a global model allowing others to benefit from the experience and the style of work. The only country that has been invited by the Network's Board of Directors to present its national implementation plan for the Sustainable Development Goals. Hanan Mansour Ahli, Director of Competitiveness of the Federal Competitiveness and Statistics Authority and Director of the Authority's Sustainable Development Goals, said: "We have proudly reviewed the results of our participation in the forum the network before the members of the committee. Efforts to represent the state in global meetings. "
The TRA team also reported on the most important results of the bilateral meetings held at the Stockholm meetings, to discuss potential partnerships between the UAE and a number of international institutions. International organizations to present their plan for implementing the Sustainable Development Goals.

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