UAE women advance in record time


Women in the UAE have been able to make rapid progress in record time faster than in the world, thanks to the leaders' beliefs about the capabilities of UAE women and the importance of their empower them to strengthen their effective role in sustainable development. President of the General Union of Women, President of the Supreme Council for Maternity and Childhood, Supreme Chairperson of the Foundation for Family Development, in the active role of women in the development process .
The UAE constitution states that women have the right to equal rights and equality with men in all areas. Since the creation of the UAE, the UAE has defined all legislative laws guaranteeing the rights of individuals in society and provided for all their needs. The UAE Constitution defines the rights and duties of individuals in society and women as the 39, one of the main pillars of society.
Sheikha Fatima bint Mubarak launched the National Strategy for the Empowerment and Entrepreneurship of Women in the United Arab Emirates 2015-2021, which provides a general framework of reference and guidance for that all government, federal, local and private institutions and civil society organizations develop their plans and programs of action. Offer women a decent life to make them autonomous, pioneers, entrepreneurs. WAM

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