UAV UAE … and safety guidelines for citizens


Dron planes flew over Dubai to the UAE to fulfill their duties of beach protection, safety and security for people, and support and support for those in need.

(19659002) Brigadier Abdul Qader al-Bannai, director of the Port Police Station, confirmed the use of drones for the seizure of bases and the safety of coastal areas

. Brigadier Al-Bannai pointed out that Dubai police could use the equipment After entering the bathing areas and endangering people's lives, Dubai police found that the Dubai police enforced the law and seized infringing bicycles and fined the owners

. Al-Bannai confirmed that they contain cameras that document violations and violations of safety and security rules, that they are remotely controlled by direct supervision of their tasks and that they contain cameras that can be used at night if necessary.

Al-Banna is flat All marine means, whether for recreation, tourism, trade or fishing, abide by regulations and regulations of maritime safety and avoid bathing areas for the safety of users from the beach.

Yemen Published on the Stage of Yemen

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