Understanding between the Community Development Authority and Dubai Islamic Bank


The Dubai Community Development Authority (CDA) today signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Dubai Islamic Bank (DIB) to strengthen the role of the private sector in general and the banking sector in particular by contributing to social responsibility by providing financial support to the Social Solidarity Fund. And Abdul Razzaq Al Abdullah, head of community support services at the bank.
As part of this agreement, both parties will propose initiatives and programs targeting the most vulnerable groups, thus helping to strengthen their protection and integration into society, as well as programs to empower the Emirati people and develop their skills. and skills to enable them to live a dignified and independent life.
The Dubai Islamic Bank will also support the Community Development Authority's initiatives to develop the Emirate of Dubai's social sector in the areas of education, rehabilitation and social empowerment to achieve the desired results. of the social sector defined by the Dubai 2021 strategy.
"Our collaboration with a leading bank in the field of Islamic banking services and products is a very important step in promoting awareness of the importance of the contribution of the banking sector to supporting community development," he said. Ahmed Julfar.
He added: "The Social Solidarity Fund provides a wide range of government and private agencies in all areas of its work, in order to support members of society and to play different roles in empowering people. most vulnerable groups. "
"We are delighted to work with the Community Development Authority and support the Social Solidarity Fund, which offers empowerment and integration programs that will enhance the community's way of life and the community." Help to develop their skills and improve their living conditions in order to become active and productive members of society, "said Abdul Razzaq Al Abdullah. We hope that this cooperation will have a significant impact on the improvement of social solidarity and assistance to beneficiaries. "By adding that DIB plays a leading role in supporting community activities and beneficial and distinctive activities in the service of the UAE community in all its categories.

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