Understanding between the Dubai Statistics Center and the regulatory body of the security industry


The Dubai Statistics Center and the Security Industry Regulatory Organization signed a memorandum of understanding to achieve complementarity and establish bilateral cooperation.

Memorandum was signed by Aref Obaid Al Muhairi, Executive Director of the Dubai Statistics Center and Khalifa Alsalis,

The engineer Aref Al Janahi, Director of Operations and Security Services at l. Organization of the Security Industry, Ahmed Al Zoud, Director of the Department of Communication, Tareq Al Janahi, Deputy Executive Director of the Dubai Statistics Center, Ahmed Al Dashti,

According to the note, the Center for Dubai Statistics will provide statistical support from the second party statistical reports and indicators to support its planning and decision-making processes, providing statistical advice and techniques in addition to statistical training programs.

The Organization of the Security Industry Organization will provide inputs and statistical data for the industry security sector institutional and private Dubai Statistics Center , and will provide Stcharat security systems and administrative protection systems that serve to protect the lives and property and the application of global best practices in this area, and will implement specialized training programs to increase the feeling to the staff of the Center.

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