United Arab Emirates and Kazakhstan sign prisoner swap deal


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The United Arab Emirates and Kazakhstan signed a prisoner swap deal on the Al-Fajr site on Thursday, July 5, 2018.

The Public Ministry of Kazakhstan confirmed that an agreement had been reached with United Arab Emirates on the extradition of prisoners towards rehabilitation and integration into civil society. The agreement was signed at the capital Astana during an official visit of the Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi, Prince Mohammed bin Zayed to Kazakhstan, and signed by Kazakh Attorney General Kairat Koggamarov, signed by the Minister of Justice, Sultan bin Saeed Al-Badi. A statement, "The international document would give citizens of either country the right to a prison term in the second state to serve their sentence in their homeland."

An agreement signed between the two countries in 2009 and still in force, Criminal cases and extradition During this period, the UAE authorities handed nine people to Kazakhstan

The Kazakh prosecutor's office said that "five of its nationals are serving in the UAE ", adding that" they will now be able to submit their request for extradition on the Convention. "

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