United Arab Emirates space law in its final phase – UAE News


The Director General of the Emirates Space Agency, Dr. Eng. Mohammed Nasser Al Ahbabi, stressed that the UAE's space law is in progress and has reached its final stages and should be completed by the end of 2018.

Over the past four years, she has managed to promoting the national space sector, shaping its legislative and legal aspects, launching its various space projects and missions, and forming an integrated education system that provides specialized frameworks for its leadership and sustainable growth. He noted that the space sector has achieved many achievements and achievements over the past period, including the launch of several major national projects reflecting the state's ambition and efforts to lead the sector at the international level. of the region, of its kind in the region because of the unique space and scientific projects that constitute the overall framework of state initiatives to explore the space.

The Agency has managed to build the dream team of national executives in its 50-member teams, of which 6 are doctors, 20 are masters, 15 are men, 61% are men , 35 are women and 39% are members of the team.The average age is 31 years old.

In terms of strengthening the overall status, the managing director of the Emirates Space Agency said that the Agency has managed to gain recognition from various international agencies and organizations and international space agencies around the world and the Arab world.The number of agreements and memoranda of understanding signed by the Agency has reached more than 25 agreements and memoranda. In several areas, notably space exploration The United States, French, Russian, Algerian, Canadian, Chinese, Italian, Japanese, British, South Korean and other Recently, memorandums of understanding have been signed with the South African and South African Government, in addition to signing a letter of intent with the French National Center for Space Studies

and noted that the Agency had become a member of international organizations the most important of the world's space sector, such as the International Astronautical Federation, the International Coordination Group for the Exploration of Outer Space, The United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs, the Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space of the United Nations and, more recently, the United Arab Emirates have officially signed the International Space Charter Dr. Al-Ahbabi said that the Agen This represented the UAE in the most important international events, exhibitions and industry-related conferences to present its vision and share its successes and share its experiences with global decision-makers, in addition to all the qualitative achievements represented by the UAE. The first of its kind in the world for the first time in the region since its launch in 1950. This reflects the worldwide recognition of the Emirates program and space projects.

The agency works to finance and oversee the UAE's exploration program. In cooperation with the Mohammed bin Rashid Space Center, the UAE pavilions, the establishment of the National Center for Space Science and Technology of the University of the Emirates in cooperation with the Telecommunications Support Fund, the National Space Policy in 2016, preparation of the National Strategy for Space. 2018, as well as his work to adopt a policy of space investment.

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