US Department of Homeland Security: Russian hackers are able to control US utilities


The US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has accused government-backed infiltrators of penetrating US infrastructure and said that Russian hackers had access to US electrical installations, which allowed them to provoke power outages. Hackers working for a Russian-sponsored group, Dragonfly or Energetic Bear, were able to access the networks over the past year.

Hackers infiltrate secure or isolated networks of utilities by entering the networks We belong to other providers that have links with energy companies, said the Department of Homeland Security when it came to business. a press conference, adding that the campaign had made hundreds of victims but that many serious actions might not yet take place

. Investigators said it was not clear whether this was done by hackers in view of a larger attack in the future, said Jonathan Homer, chief of the Analysis of the industrial control system At the Department of Homeland Security: "They reached a point"

Organizations that harness energy in the United States, including nuclear power and d & # 39; Other vital infrastructures, have become frequent targets of cyberattacks in recent years, given their ability to create immediate chaos, such as

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Pirates Computer companies have been exposed to networks of private companies that operate US utility facilities on a number of roads. Like phishing e – mails and attacks targeting a specific group of users by infecting known websites, and hackers who, after accessing provider networks, have stolen information from users. identification to access utility networks and identify facilities; Officials

Hackers stole information on how to configure utility networks, what equipment was used and how to control it, and how the facilities were supposed to work. The use of unlimited access to change certain equipment settings, making them unreliable, and cause utility engineers to perform things that could cause significant damage and lead to long breakdowns d & # 39; electricity.

According to the US Department of Homeland Security. The identity of the victims and some companies may not know that they have been hacked because the attacks have used legitimate credentials to access the networks, and the cyberattacks on the electrical systems are not new because the Ukrainian network was disrupted in 2016. Russia denied any involvement in targeting vital infrastructure.

The report comes amid growing tensions between Russia and the United States over cybersecurity, like the Justice Department earlier in the United States. This month, new charges to 12 officers in the Russian intelligence services to break the accounts of the Democratic Party officials and presidential campaign candidate Hillary Clinton in the 2016 US presidential election, previously released by the community US intelligence, issued a joint statement in January of the year The past confirms that Russia has already manipulated the US presidential election in 2016.

President Donald Trump signed in May 2017 a decree President to enhance cyber security in the United States by protecting federal networks, critical infrastructure and the public. The decree deals with the protection of public networks such as electricity and water, as well as healthcare, health and communication systems, prompting the US Department of Commerce and the US Department of Commerce. internal security to publish a Net Botnet report and other automatic threats submitted to the White House.

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