US Justice Challenges Time Warner Acquisition by AT & T


The US Department of Justice said Thursday that it would appeal the decision of a federal judge to approve AT & T's acquisition of Time Warner for 85.4 billions of dollars.

A file sent by the government to the court did not explain the arguments that would be used to challenge the decision to approve the merger agreement, which was closed on June 14, with no comments of any kind. AT & T or the Department of Justice.

T & T "more than 1% in subsequent trade on Wall Street.

President Donald Trump opposed the merger, first announced in October 2016. The Ministry of Finance Justice filed a lawsuit against AT & T, but the company got legal approval in June to go ahead with the case after a six-week lawsuit.

L & # 39; Referee District of the United States in Colombia Richard Leon region, said the alliance between the activities of the "AT & T" wireless communications satellites, presentations, film and television for Time Warner, does not violate not the anti-monopoly law, and supported the Department of Justice that the agreement would harm consumers.

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