VentureHave signs 10 agreement protocols to promote global financial technology


The Dubai International Financial Center (DIFC), the hub of the Middle East, Africa and South Asia (DIFC), has continued to strengthen its leadership position as the world's leading financial technology center. region and one of the top 10 global financial technology centers through a series of agreements between VentureHave and global financial technology accelerators.

In a statement received by Mubasher, Fintech Hayef at the Dubai International Financial Center (DIFC), the largest and most dynamic financial technology program in the region, has signed more than 10 memoranda of understanding with a distinguished group of leading institutions. of financial technology around the world.

VentureHave will work with these global institutions to share experiences and knowledge and monitor opportunities to improve access to global financial technologies in the region, create a climate for bold investments in the region and stimulate innovative business programs around the world. whole.

Raja Al Mazrouei, Executive Vice President, Venture Capital, DIFC, said: "These agreements underscore DIFC's commitment to improving global financial technology and reaffirm our ambitions to strengthen our role in the future of the financial sector.

These agreements will open up broader horizons for cooperation and the exchange of knowledge and skills and will enable innovative companies to operate smoothly between Dubai and the world.

"This year, the VintechHave program has attracted 22 start-ups, double the number of participants from 11 emerging companies, and has been expanded to cover the areas of insurance technology, regulatory technology and of Islamic financial technology.

VentureHave continues to support the region's efforts to create a favorable environment for innovative solutions to ensure the continued development of the financial services sector, in line with the Dubai 2021 vision and the 2024 DIFC growth strategy.

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