Vettel first pole in Germany .. Hamilton and "suffering"

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Vettel, the first of the forwards, after scoring 1 minute and 11.212 seconds, was sung by the fans in a wet day in the German city of Hockenheim.

The world champion 4 times, who has never won the circuit near his hometown Super to see a lot of red flags and flags of Germany. "

" I continued to improve and I knew in the last round that I was not going to be able to do anything. " he was close to me before I decided everything. "

Walteri Potas of Hamilton will be next to Vettel in first place, Kimi Raikkonen of Ferrari was third while Max Frestaben was fourth. 19659001] Hamilton, eight points behind Vettel after ten races, will go from 14th place.

In vain, he drove his car parked r the way of interview with the help of a group of race supervisors before having his head on the car.


Vettel's grab was the center of the first post, after recording a time of one minute and 11.212 seconds, the loud screams of the masses under a wet day in the German city of Hockenheim." I've had a lot of support in the ring. "

" I continued to improve myself and I knew in the last round that it's getting closer to me before I decide everything. .

Walterie Potas, Hamilton's colleague, will be next to Vettel in first place, Kimi Raikkonen of Ferrari took third place, while Max Frestaben, fourth driver of Red Bull, was fourth

Hamilton, eighth behind Vettel after ten races, is in 14th position.

without success, drove his car parked on the maintenance track with the help of a group of race supervisors before pressing on the car in a scene that showed a lot of frustration.

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