Video .. Ahmed Zaher refuses to marry his daughters .. and his daughter Laila "not cheated"


A comedy show between the artist Ahmed Zaher and his daughter Laila at the wedding of the artist Mohamed Ali Rizk, expressing his rejection of the marriage of his daughters, when the actress Mona Farouk has filmed a video clip with Ahmed Zaher and his daughter Laila. The photos "Instagram", and told him Mona Farouk: "the desire of your girls … the call of Laila", but he replied: "I do not leave after having no passport for girls", but Leila responded to her father by telling him:

Artist Mohammed Ali Rizk celebrated his wedding with announcer Sarah Fahim, one of the largest hotels in the city The first was Saturday. "

A large group of art stars attended the ceremony, led by Ahmed Al Sakka, Emmy Samir Ghanem, producer and artist Mohamed Mahmoud Abdel Aziz, the artist Mohamed Ezz, director Ahmed Khaled Moussa and Eman El Assi The singer Mohamed Shaheen, the artist Wael Abdel Aziz, the artist Hamza El-Elly, the director Khaled Galal and the artist Caroline Azmy.

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