Video .. Maradona can not answer a question in the most weird interview


Video .. Maradona can not answer a question in the most weird interview


Argentine football legend Diego Maradona is in an embarrassing situation following the defeat of his team against Juarez in the second division second leg.

"Diego, being here in Mexico, you probably studied the first division in Mexico, and I think you already know how you see the Premier League," a journalist in Maradona asked. … The legend could not answer the question and even a word.

Dourados has qualified for the final despite losing 2-0 to Juarez thanks to a 2-0 victory.

In the final, Deirdos will face Atletico San Luis, who has doubled his rival Atlante.

Maradona and Dourados, who took power last September for eleven months, won eight wins, two draws and two losses.

Source: agencies

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