Video .. Strong participation of residents to adjust their conditions


In early morning in Dubai, a large number of violators of the law on residence and entry of foreigners in the country began to come to the headquarters of the ministry to track the offenders and aliens in order to Adjust their situation.

The General Directorate of Residence and Foreign Affairs in Dubai today received the auditors who wish to benefit from the deadline approved by the Council Ministers to grant violators voluntary leave, 3,000 people equipped with quality equipment, modern equipment, important staff and a special section for women to speed up the pace of work and finalize the procedures initiated in coordination with the agencies and consuls in the new center, as well as monitoring offenders in the Al-Aweer region.

[Al-BayananNews] Aug. 1, 2018 [19659003] In Abu Dhabi, a crowd of offenders to the law on the residence and entry of foreigners in the capital Abu Dhabi, and Federal Aliens, in the Shahama region.

The Federal Identity and Nationality Authority, in its preparations to welcome offenders to the Offender Monitoring Headquarters, has benefited from all the services that ensure the highest level of comfort for the listeners and ensures the provision of services and the execution of their transactions smoothly and easily. Achieve targeted positive results, mainly reducing the phenomenon of violators and infiltrators.

The tent is currently witnessing a strong participation of residents of the residence on the first day of the deadline , where the cadres commissioned by the Commission, at 8 o'clock, the violators received tasks,

The Ministry of the Interior recently announced the granting of a period to violators of the law on the Entry and residence of foreigners, under the slogan "Protect yourself … by changing your status", pursuant to the decisions of the Council of Ministers. From Wednesday to October 31, where offenders will be exempted All fines, with the possibility of leaving the country without a postmark of deprivation for future visit, and the modification of the status of those who come for a visit or tourism in the country. 39; state without being required to leave a symbolic fee of 500 dirhams plus access

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