Video The official "Brumo" of "The Most Dangerous Man" completes 2 million views


Video The official "Brumo" of "The Most Dangerous Man" completes 2 million views

The official "promo" of "The Most Dangerous Man" has exceeded 2 million views, after having been published on "Media Media" in less than four days.

C & # 39; is a social comedy film based on "Hesperance", exciting and suspenseful, and that surprises the Arab and Egyptian public when it is presented, as well as the projections on the reality that we live through the discussion of an important question. And try to address the issue and develop the aesthetic image that Egypt has enjoyed in the past.

"The Most Dangerous Man" A group with the artist Sameh Hussein, Edward Hassan Rahma, Hala Fakhir, Suleiman Eid and Martina, composed by Joseph Fawzi, led by Dr. Adel Marks, director Mufid Mohammed Bedair, producer Mina Fawzi, director of photography Michael Georgy, Ismail and sound engineer Morsi Abdulmaghani, and produced by the company "Farida" to its owner Salma Cherkaoui and Mohamed Abasiri.

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