Warning … Phone apps spy on its users


  Beware .. Phone Apps Spying On Its Users
Beware .. Phone Apps Spying On Its Users

Beware .. Phone Apps Spying On Its Users Forsan Network Citing Mersal Neur we publish .. Phone apps spying on its users, beware of .. Phone apps spy on its users, we send you our visitors News News Today through our network of knights and start with the main news, beware .. .. Telegraphic applications spy on its users

  Beware .. The phones spying on its users

The cavalry network must be recognized as smart phones a purely the title of our wider, a permanent friend and closer to many through the many services that they provide.

Technology can not be blamed as much as it should highlight applications that are loaded on phones, exposing users' privacy to hack. A Massachusetts Institute of Technology study found that 73% of Android phone apps were posting email addresses to users in favor of a third party. In contrast, 47% of Apple's phone applications have released geographical location information.

The application of the Facebook application

The application of Facebook Messenger

The Viber application

Pinterest application

Whoshere application

Application LocalScope

Application of "Angry Birds"

Application Happy Fish

Short Link

2018-07-04 2018-07-04

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Source: Mersal Neur

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