WATER / WATER participates in the meeting on the riparian countries of the Indian Ocean


The UAE press agency

The UAE participated in the Senior Officials Meeting and at the Ministerial Meeting of the Association of Indian Ocean States which ended today in Durban, South Africa.

The delegation of the United Arab Emirates was led by His Excellency Ahmed Bin Ali Al Sayegh, Minister of State, and HE Mahash Saeed Al Hamli, State Ambassador to South Africa, Saeed Al-Dhanhani and Afra Al -Muhairi, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation.

HE Ahmed Al Sayegh emphasized in his speech at the ministerial meeting the commitment of the UAE to play an active role within the Association, convinced of the importance of the Indian Ocean in as the arena of trade and security in the region and in the world. The association and the action plan adopted for the period 2017-2021 as well as the work on the continuation of the cooperation in the domains of the six priorities of the association and the activation of its role at the level of the region, this which requires that the association continues to play its central role in achieving integration and meeting the challenges of Heritage

His Excellency stated that 2018 was an important year for the United Arab Emirates and the Republic of South Africa, on the occasion of the centenary of His Highness Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan and President Nelson Mandela, in commemoration of 7 million of rand. The Nelson Mandela Foundation must develop the Foundation's archives to preserve Nelson Mandela's extraordinary history. The UAE has also announced its support for the Nelson Mandela Mission, which is administered by the General Secretariat of the League of Arab States for US $ 15,000.

His Excellency also expressed the strong desire of the United Arab Emirates to cooperate in promoting peace and stability in the Indian Ocean region in its efforts to address and resolve the major problems encountered in the region of the United Arab Emirates. ;Indian Ocean.

His Excellency stressed that the UAE was eager to work with the ASEAN countries, believing that it played a key role in the development and progress of the Indian Ocean region in terms of strengthening capabilities to maintain prosperity.

It is worth mentioning that the UAE will assume the presidency of the Association for the period from 2019 to 2021. The UAE joined the Association in March 1999 and has actively contributed since its accession to the implementation of many initiatives in the field. at home and abroad as part of its work.

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Source: WAM

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