We are all with the national team – the voice of the UAE


By: Mohammed Joker

The countdown to the organization of the UAE football stadiums has started in less than two months and we hope that our national team will be happy and win the continental title for the first time. History shows that the tournament started at 56 in Hong Kong, but in the Gulf countries, we knew the final just 38 years ago, especially in the year 80, when we had entered the seventh championship organized by Kuwait. We managed to "win" as the first Arab countries to win this title and to experience historic moments. The first foreign policy for me, at the professional level I was a representative of the UAE press, a delegate of the Supreme Council of Youth and Sports, although the Acting Secretary General of the time, Abdul Rahman al-Hasawi, when he appointed me, strongly opposed non-national candidates, He insisted on his post, I was appointed for the post, I managed to get the message across to the media, I was an editor at Al Wahda newspaper in Abu Dhabi. If we continue in the same direction today, we will have dozens of journalists.

If we apply the official point of view on the time reserved for youth and sports "Boufhd", the first coach of Dubai in 67, and played in front of the Egyptian Ismaili, to become a large number today, the work also requires the desire of the national element, to penetrate this craft, but need those who like it, so give it effectively!

In 96, Al-Abyad presented a magnificent tournament at all levels, which still resonates today on the continent, both technically and organizationally. The Saudi team managed to win the title at the expense of our team, which came to an end this summer, and who has approached strenuously, In 2000, the common Arab solidarity had an impact on the creation of the continental championship in Lebanon, while His Highness Sheikh Abdullah Bin Zayed Al Nahyan, then president of the federation, had played a role in the unification of the Arab ranks and in support of Lebanon, after fierce competition with China. We were in Australia in 2015, our team was very good, it was mature with tact, it managed to get a team led by national coach Mehdi Ali, and who rallied his actions before his resignation, appears again on the screen of Sharjah Sports Channel and refutes its history with the team, in one of the best training experiences of national executives, throughout history, and The difficulty of our mission at the next tournament, but the players have the spirit and determination, the determination, the challenge and the competition for the title, and we hope that "White" White will shine, and we are honored when we organize this great football event.

And the meeting yesterday with the family of the first team before the start of the exercises and to sit down with her was a good opportunity to make feel the full importance of the event and the Asian marriage, and all of us behind the team, the masses, the directors and the media .. And God behind the intention.

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