We reveal the steps of Zamalek to solve the Moroccan attack case


The attacker of the Moroccan volcano Pat Ayoub Al Kaabi became the main objective of the officials of Zamalek during the current period to reinforce the offensive line because of the current digital shortage of the whites and the research of Honest attackers.

The "Eurosport Arabia" has learned that the official bid held by Al Kaabi and the Renaissance of the volcano is currently in their hands of Belgium at a time when the presentation of the victory of the Verbal Arabia and has not reached the official scene until now.

The direction of the volcano wants to get more than 3 million dollars for the player while his annual salary will be not less than 700 000 dollars, which pushed the officials of Zamalek to intensify their negotiations to reduce the financial aspects of various ways. function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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