What are Facebook and the other tech giants doing with your data? | Cedar News


  Technology Giant Sites

Getty Images Large Social Networks Can Benefit from Data in Many Ways Users Need Long Hours to View in the Privacy and Data Policy

Private Message Analysis and sharing your data with a third party.

These practices start as soon as you log in to their apps and websites. The BBC has found that some of the paragraphs in which the policies and conditions of these sites and applications have been formulated must be understood at least at the university level.

In these terms and policies, we discovered how these giant corporations were using user data.


Several applications require that they be allowed to locate your geographical location via your smartphone via the global positioning system (GPS), which the user can reject.

But even when the user refuses Thus, these sites and applications can accurately determine your location. The social networking site Facebook, for example, collects information about your location away from the GPS system based on the IP address or phone settings, allowing the site to adjust and maintain the settings your account safely and efficiently. Companies That Allow Their Subsidiaries or Small Businesses to Access Your Data

When you agree to the terms and conditions, you do not grant the right to access your data for an entity because that company authorizes its affiliates or other affiliates to access this data. We have a rare application that allows other members of the Match group to share and use your data, such as the OkeUpid, Blenty of Fish and Mach sites.

Tenderer said to use data for "maintenance, customer service, marketing, targeted advertising, to remove users who do not comply with the terms and conditions of their sites and applications."

LinkedIn, in its privacy policy , explained that he gets user data obtained from a related party such as Microsoft.

 Facebook Getty Images Facebook Can Locate User's Close # 39; application and also when you do not already have Facebook account


It is not enough to read the terms and conditions of use of the giants of technology, you may need to revisit the terms and conditions of the companies with which they have data exchange agreements

Amazon has reported receiving customer data for a third party If you use Apple devices, you should know that your data These are companies that "provide services such as data processing, extension and evaluation of your interest".

Products and Services "

The EU's general data protection rules, introduced in May, did not require companies to disclose their third parties in the general conditions.

However, Briase International's lawyer, Ayala Kalandar, said she was concerned about "the possibility that data intermediaries could use location, interests and other contact information from the user to take advantage of it. "

Be complete, but it is important to show interest in Yap not only the quality of the data collected by the companies and the reasons for which it perceives for , but who can obtain this data (and for purposes obtained) "

on the other hand, does not allow Wikipedia to third-party access to users' personal data for marketing purposes." The site also states that "users are not supervised by third parties who have not visited their site."

4. A rare application that collects data for motion and acceleration measuring instruments

sometimes goes beyond collecting data such as name, age, and location in practices other than these. Tundar, for example, gets data using accelerometers and accelerometers that include the corner of the smartphone and the compass that you can use by applying it to the phone.

This company does not disclose the purpose of obtaining such data Used.

5. Facebook keeps the searches deleted

Facebook offers the ability to delete searches from the history, giving the user the impression that his searches do not contain deleted search data, but the problem is that this data stays on Facebook.

Facebook's data policy states that, although search data may be deleted at any time, "search records of such data are retained for six months."

 LinkedIn Getty Images. You even monitor if you leave the application

Facebook monitors your site even if you exit the application or from your account on the site, and even monitors you even if you do not have any yet Facebook account.

Facebook works with "advertisers, developers and publishers" They can send information about users' activities when they stop using the Facebook application and the Facebook website.

These Facebook partners provide information about you when you stop using the application and the social networking site, the device you use to connect to the Internet, such as the Internet. a smartphone or smartphone

This is what happens "until you stop using Facebook or even if you do not have a Facebook account yet", according to the data policy.

7. LinkedIn Check your own posts

If you think your private messages are still "private", you should check it. The company's social networking site is endowed with an email scanning technology that complies with the company's privacy policy.

The company stated that it protects users' data from attacks or hackers.

Twitter social networking site also stores private messages and addresses. The website indicates that it stores messages to "identify the people with whom it communicates and the moment they communicate via the site to not see the content of the message". 19659006]. If you are under 18, it is recommended that your parents read the terms of use with you.

Apple's Terms of Use state that "persons belonging to age groups should have the consent of their parents or guardians understand the terms of use." "

The BBC estimates that it takes about 40 minutes for a normal adult to read Apple's terms and conditions of use, so we are under the age of 13.

If you read the privacy policy once Not enough, Amazon urges users to see them and see them again, confirming that our company is constantly exposed to changes, including privacy notifications as well.It is therefore advisable to repeat our visit regularly to see these changes. "


Finally, Apple's terms of use in Britain include a clause stating that its customers are not allowed to use their devices "for purposes prohibited by US law."

Design, manufacture or manufacture of nuclear weapons, missiles or chemical or biological weapons. "

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