Why did the European Union charge Google $ 5 billion?


Why did the European Union fined Google $ 5 billion?

<img width = "660" height = "330" src = "https://tech-echo.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/eu-android–660×330.jpg" class = " attachment-bd-normal-size-bd-normal wp-post-image "alt =" Why Google imposed a fine of $ 5 billion? Alleging that the company violated the laws of mutation by the system d & rsquo; Most popular exploitation for Android smartphones, Google has claimed the use of Android by Google to impose other services such as its search service, its Chrome browser and its Play Store apps. The problem is clear to many, where the manufacturers of Android phones and devices did not complain about the use of other services by Google, but the case is similar to that of Microsoft against monopoly, the most important answers to what is happening between Google and the European Union.

What is the problem between Google and the EU? why did the European Union charge Google $ 5 billion?

The European Commission or the European Union has decided that Google uses its unfairly developed Android system to force smart phone manufacturers and consumers to use the Google search engine, Most of Google's revenue, which gives Google an unfair and uncompetitive advantage.


1. Google is asking Android device manufacturers to include their search app and Chrome browser in their devices so that they can access Google Play Store and other Google services.

2 – Google paid significant sums to Hwa manufacturers and smartphones to include the Google search application exclusively on default phones instead of other search engines.

3. The European Union says Google is preventing phone makers from developing special versions of Android by preventing them from using their other apps, including Google Play and Google Search.

Why does not the European Union penalize Apple too?

The EU report says that it considers Android as different from Apple's iOS or BlackBerry's operating system because such systems are integrated and exclusive, Apple and BlackBerry n & # 39; Granting no license for their operating system to other manufacturers, so Apple can not be held responsible for restricting itself to using its own applications on its own operating system.

Is it impossible to install another app store on the Android operating system? Why is the Google Play Store important?

Yes, device manufacturers can use another app store exactly as Google supplies its devices Amazon Fire and Fire TV but the European Commission says Google Play is essential for Android devices. When it includes more than 90% of Android applications, the Commission considers that it encourages manufacturers to use the Google search engine and the Google Chrome browser, although the absence of Google Play Store gives an unfair advantage to Google

. Why did the problem include the Chrome browser?

The European Union considers Google Chrome as a critical way to search Google, so the resolution also included Google Chrome, which is the most popular among Internet users.

What happened next?

Google has 90 days to comply with the European Commission, paying a $ 5 billion challenge, in addition to stop forcing manufacturers to use Google and Google Chrome as well as d & # 39; Prevent phone manufacturers from using special versions of the Android operating system, but Google has filed a legal challenge against the decision.

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