Will Smith dances on the ice in Dubai


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Rana Salah Al – Din – Translation

American actor and actor Will Smith is touring Dubai, UAE, where the global actor, a video of him during his new adventure and an ice dance, sang the song. You are a Teacher "of Moroccan singer Saad Mellar.

The 50-year-old world star announced a few days ago a surprise to his fans to complete a third part of the series Bad Boys, accompanied by Martin Lawrence, where events are planned to complete the events of the last two games, which should be published on January 17th. 2020.

World star Will Smith is known to travel regularly to Dubai, as well as to some countries in Africa and Asia, where he recently traveled to Cairo and the Pyramids, South Africa, Morocco and in India and led the tuk tuk in Mumbai (India).

As part of Will Smith's recent visit to Dubai, he published a photo of him sitting on the world's highest toilet with his personal account on the Instagram social networking site, on which he wrote millions of visits to a few hours "from the highest toilet on the planet Burj Khalifa Dubai The" 154 ".

The one-year-old world star plays the soundtrack of the character "Al Jinni" in Aladdin's film, set for 2019 in world premiere.

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