Women play and love their only life


Three years have passed since the departure of the Egyptian actor "Omar" Sharif, who left the planet on July 10, 2015 after a hidden conflict with Alzheimer's disease, unknown in a hospital of Maadi in Cairo.

While many see the life of the late Omar Sharif as full of fun, wealth and relationships of many women, Christopher Stevens, in his article in the Daily Mail, says that the story of Sharif can be "In the history of the entire movie", according to sputniknews.

The Sultan of Temptation loses the love of his only life

Although Omar Sharif has fought many romantic relationships with the number of international film stars since his divorce from the late Egyptian actress Faten Hamama in 1965, the author of the article Stevens called "the sultan of seduction", but Faten remains "the love of his only life", and on the other side announced in more than one interview.

Sharif said at a meeting about Faten Hamama: "Is the # 39, love of my life, and did not have a wife my heart like her. "

The separation between Omar Sharif and Faten Hamama, at its discretion , having had his first chance of entering Hollywood with the movie "Lawrence of Arabia", after he made it clear that he could not remain a loyal husband in the middle of temptations Article by Christopher Stevens.

One of the best stars fallen in love with Omar Sharif, with her oriental traits, Tusday Wilde, Ingrid Bergman, the famous movie star, Casablanca, and the American singer Barbara Streisand, during the filming of "Fanny Girl" in 1968.

Sherif admitted that Streisand did not find her attractive at first, but fell madly in love with her, and continued their relationship for 4 months, the duration of the filming.

On the other hand, Al-Sherif fell in love with the French actress, Catherine Dinov, during the filming of the historical drama "Mayerling".

A love of another kind that cost him a lot

After many loves, Omar decided to retire after being convinced that he would never fall in love.

He says, "I discovered that I would never fall in love, because after every end of relationship, I do not find myself troubled by the separation.

Omar Sharif focused on a passion of another kind, gambling, betting on horse racing, a passion that cost him a large chunk of his fortune.

In an interview with the BBC in 1978, Omar Sharif said, "I think I can not live without a pack of cards in my hand."

Due to his gambling addiction, the debts accumulated on Omar Sharif, he therefore had to accept many unsatisfactory films, in order to repay his debts.

One night he lost over £ 20,000 in a casino in Paris in 2003 and, after losing, he risked his anger by beating him in the hotel parking lot.

The first heart attack and a sad end

The first heart attack suffered by Omar Sharif in 1994, who raided during his stay at the George V Hotel in Paris, to retire after have taken 100 cigarettes a day.

In 2012, Omar Sharif was 80 years old and his daily routine was to wake up in the afternoons, then take a shower, and then stroll alone in the streets of Paris, because he did not have any friends there.

Omar Sharif denied his Alzheimer's disease but was confirmed to have been infected when his son Tariq informed him of the death of Faten Hamama in January 2015. The days have passed and his son is l & # 39; He electrocuted with his death and questioned him about his condition. Play heroism.

On July 10, 2015, Lawrence of Arabia, Omar al-Sherif, at the age of 83, left the country after a conflict with Alzheimer's disease, alone without true love in his life.

In an interview with a newspaper in 1999, Omar Sharif said, "There are times when I am happy, and there are times when I am sad … Maybe some people have a life better than I. I hope they are. "

Egyptian Light

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