Work is a fait accompli and only works for a living … when we asked the Egyptians for their satisfaction with their work


Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid,
Dubai Sovereign, deadline for a number of directors of his term not more than six months to change the environment
Work for them so that staff feel satisfied, as he pointed out in a tweet posted through his account on
Social networking site "Twitter" yesterday, Monday, he had seen employee satisfaction reports in 40
A federal government in the United Arab Emirates, where the satisfaction rate in some neighborhoods to 93%.

While there were five destinations with a low satisfaction rate of 60%, explained Ben
Rashid that this percentage is unacceptable because "the satisfaction of key employees of customer satisfaction",
"There is a six-month period that we give to the leaders of these organizations to change the environment

What Mohammed Bin Rashid wrote about Twitter has irritated a large number of young people.
Egyptian "on the" media ", in the light of successive economic and social crises

Not satisfied
Said Abdul Rahman, 35 years old and works as an engineer in Egypt, and in the migration of a large number of young people abroad looking for a job .
One of the development projects and earns 5,000 pounds a month, but is not satisfied with his work as a
"I am married and I have two children and my salary is considered
Average of 5,000 pounds, but not sold because of the need because of rising prices every day. "

He explained that he loved his job as an engineer years before the economic crisis
Current, but with the high prices of repetitive goods and services, he faced his job
As a fait accompli, and he continues to do so to get his salary last month alone,
"Debate on Hamas as the first form of production or success in work, you lose your life
By taking care of his problems. "

to live
" Wael. "A customer service agent from a construction company said

He was forced to work in this field only to make a living,
Far from his love for work or not, and that does not measure it that way because he's not dedicated to

Wael says he has received a promise from a director to let him work
Legal affairs since the end of the year, but it has not happened yet, he can love his work when he is reached

Pessimistic Feeling

Professor of Psychiatry at Ain Shams Heba Essawi University is the other, she said
Special statements for "echo of the country", that the problems accumulated in the two economic issues
Social and physical affect the psychological state of the Egyptian worker, and this is reflected through
Dissatisfaction with the working environment in Egypt .

"If a person feels pessimistic or sad, she will become immediately unconscious or
Desire to accomplish This affects the work environment and affects its vision of the future and its plans, has
The symptoms increase to the feeling of depression or psychological anxiety because the person in this case
Lose confidence in your potential. "

She added that even if the employee was satisfied with his job, satisfaction factors must be available
And success through specific tools to achieve this, for example a government employee who sits
In the hours in a government interest that would bring citizens to a temperature of over 40 degrees Celsius
A room without air conditioning, how satisfied is he with his work?

Absence of Social Justice
What a psychiatrist says is also confirmed by novelist Nasser Iraq
An article published earlier, that the resentment of the work or professions we practice is reflected in an amazing way
Performance, so we are among the lazy ones in which we do not know the virtue
He does not want to learn and grow, believing the wrong word "on their money" .

In the same context and through the study
Led by the Egyptian Center for Economic and Social Studies last year, the number of
Employees in a job or profession who require university degrees in the private sector have arrived
60%, which means that 40% of university graduates are employed
You need these certificates.

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