Xiaomi Announces AirDots Helmet at Only $ 29 – UAE News


Oud Al Hazm

Xiaomi announced today the AirDots wireless headset, with a design simulating that of Apple AirPods, but whose price is less than 30 USD. Xiaomi continues to market branded accessories and lower prices in the market. Today, Apple's AirPods are competing with its new version of the AirDots Bluetooth headset.

Xiaomi announced today the AirDots wireless headset, with a design simulating that of Apple AirPods, but whose price is less than 30 USD.

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Xiaomi continues to market branded accessories and lower prices in the market. Today, Apple's AirPods are competing with its new version of the AirDots Bluetooth headset.

AirDots are designed to simulate an Apple headset and also support the same control technology as the Apple headset with the charger housing.

There is also a difference compared to Apple AirPods: AirDots have a silicon design on both ends of the speaker, which supports better sound insulation, as well as the use of the headset, which takes also support Bluetooth 5.0.

Xiaomi has already pre-booked the AirDots helmet for $ 29 in the Chinese market. It is also likely that the phone will not emulate the audio quality of Apple, but it is all about it. another choice of wireless headphones at a lower price.

But if you want to get AirPod quality in another version, you'll have a choice in the $ 100 Opo O-Free helmet.

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