Yagith Badu Shabwa of Yemen Red Crescent with 11 tons of food – UAE News


The United Arab Emirates Red Crescent Society has distributed 11 tons of food and commodities to the nomads of Al Baqtaiba District, Lower Marakha District, and Thuba, Al-Aram City. in Habban District, Shabwa Governorate, benefiting more than 2,000 Yemeni citizens.

The United Arab Emirates Red Crescent Society continues to provide relief and humanitarian assistance to Yemeni families in Shabwa governorate, particularly in remote areas, and responds to the most urgent need to alleviate the suffering of the population because of the difficult humanitarian conditions they experience as a result of the war.

Since the beginning of 2018, the number of food baskets distributed to the population of Shabwa governorate has increased to 43,622,000, benefiting more than 265,639,000 Yemeni citizens.

On the other hand, the Emirati Red Crescent Society is continuing in Yemen a series of humanitarian, development and service activities that contribute to creating a safe and healthy environment for the Yemeni brother people as part of its continued efforts to preserve the beauty of liberated towns and governorates. And prevent their spread.

In this context, the United Arab Emirates Red Crescent Authority launched a public cleansing campaign at the Al-Ma'fair leadership in Taiz governorate, Yemen, with the participation of a large number of Yemeni citizens. During this operation, tons of accumulated garbage were removed and transported to the streets of Al-Nashma. And emphasizes its importance for maintaining a safe environment and reducing the spread of epidemics.

"The inauguration of the campaign on public hygiene contributes greatly to highlight the aesthetic aspects of Taiz and its directions.The general cleanliness of streets and cities is a key pillar of the fight against epidemics and diseases usually transmitted by wasting waste accumulated for long periods in neighborhoods and streets, "said Taiz.

For his part, the commander of the 35th Armored Brigade, Brigadier General Adnan Al-Hammadi, during his participation in the community clean-up campaign, declared that the adoption of the cleansing campaigns of the Arab Emirates Red Crescent united was a qualitative step that was a change for this service sector, as most government sectors of the governorate, including hygiene, over the past period, for lack of financial resources.

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